Municipal, semi-public, and private Organizations
Gardening in the city is booming: more and more Viennese want to plant, cultivate, and harvest their own vegetables and consume fresh food, whether in rented garden plots, community gardens, or simply on an open spot of land.
”Garteln in Wien” (Gardening in Vienna) has been set up by the city at Bio Forschung Austria as a new coordination and support center: city dwellers can learn where to grow their own food in Vienna, and where they can find fresh, locally-farmed produce.
Various departments of the city lease land to provide horticultural opportunities for city dwellers that do not own a private garden. Some examples include the MA 49 – Forestry Office and Urban Agriculture, on whose land there are some community gardens located, and the MA 28 – Road Administration and City Construction, which provides green spaces along the street for the “Gardening Around the Corner” (Garteln ums Eck) program. The MA 42 – Vienna Parks and Gardens lease parking spaces for community gardens, and also provide free assistance in answering questions about plants.
In most districts, people in Vienna can contact the Gebietsbetreuungen Stadterneuerung (Urban Renewal Office) or the Lokale Agenda 21 Wien for help in implementing their own ideas for additional urban green spaces. In cooperation with the districts and the Vienna Parks and Gardens (MA 42), these offices help make public spaces greener. In implementing neighborhood gardens in municipal housing blocks, Wohnpartner Wien is available with advice and assistance. The Gartenpolylog Association supports the construction of community gardens and assists both new and existing garden groups with expertise in organization, group dynamics, and horticulture. The association also contributes to the promotion and networking of community gardens. As an authority on green buildings, the GrünStattGrau Research and Innovation GmbH is also at your disposal.
The Umweltberatung (Environmental Council) offers information and extensive visual material, such as brochures and posters, on a variety of ecologically relevant themes. One of their priorities is sustainable horticulture.
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