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Bio-Kisterl Providers with Delivery and Pickup in Vienna

Many organic farms offer “Bio-Kisterl,” boxes of organic fruits and vegetables, that can be delivered directly to your home. Most offer select box sizes and produce types, as well as the opportunity to choose your own vegetables. Delivery is usually divided by district on certain days of the week, and customers can choose if they want to recieve their box weekly, or less often (not all suppliers). Almost all farms have a store or warehouse where customers can go to buy vegetables. Currently a dozen farms deliver “Bio-Kisterl” to Vienna listed by the “DIE UMWELTBERATUNG” .

Adamah Biohof

Website: www.adamah.at

E-Mail: biohof@adamah.at, Tel: 02248/2224

Bio Ferdl

Website: www.bioferdl.at

E-Mail: office@bioferdl.at, Tel: 07221/90660


Website: www.biofalken.net/biofalkenkistl

E-Mail: biofalken@gmail.com, Tel: 0660/5629055

Biogemüse Hopf

Website: www.biogemuese-hopf.at

E-Mail: office@biogemuese-hopf.at, Tel: 0660/833 8991


Website: www.bioigel.at

E-Mail: office@bioigel.at, Tel: 0650/8718851


Website: www.biomitter.at

E-Mail: office@biomitter.at, Tel: 02239/342 81


Website: www.kraeuteregg.at

E-Mail: bioreisenbaeuerin@kraeuteregg.at, Tel: 0676/9712208 oder 0650/3011766


Website: www.afreshed.at

E-Mail: info@afreshed.at, Tel: 0732/324005

BioSchatzkistl e.U. * Bio vom BioSchatzkistl bedeutet Fairness *

Website: www.bioschatzkistl.at, Instagram: BioSchatzkistl, Facebook: BioSchatzkistl

E-Mail: office@bioschatzkistl.at, Tel: 02167/42530

Gutes vom Gutshof

Website: www.gutesvomgutshof.at

E-Mail: office@gutesvomgutshof.at, Tel: 0670/406 0054

Land in Sicht

Website: www.landinsicht.wien, www.facebook.com/stadtbauernladen, Instagram: @landinsichtwien

E-Mail: landinsicht.lobau@gmail.com, Tel:


Website: www.markta.at

E-Mail: support@markta.at, Tel: 01/4026870


Website: www.obsthaus.at

E-Mail: mail@obsthaus.at, Tel: 01/615 61 25


Website: www.paradeisa.at

E-Mail: info@paradeisa.at, Tel: 0681/10 30 79 98

Waldviertler Gemüsemanufaktur

Website: www.biogemüsemanufaktur.at

E-Mail: post@biogemuesemanufaktur.at, Tel: 0664/333 88 93 (Iris Speiser)


You can click on ⇒ DIE UMWELTBERATUNG for more information.