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Fruit in Public Spaces

Obststadt Wien

Verein Obststadt Wien, LA21 Donaustadt, Ökosoziales Forum, MA45, Bezirk Donaustadt

The “ObstStadt Wien” association plants and maintains fruit trees in the city together with committed people: The fruit tree sponsors look after the trees, but EVERYONE can harvest. The ObstStadt Wien association was founded in 2018, which takes care of the tree sponsors on a voluntary basis. ObstStadt Wien has now planted 10 locations in public areas in the city of Vienna.

Contact: Vicki Matejka

E-Mail: wien@obstadt.at

Website: www.wien.obststadt.at



TerraConcordia gUG

“Mundraub” is an Internet project from TerraConcordia gUG that maps publicly accessible fruit trees using Google Maps and publishes their locations. The locations of wild, unused or public fruit trees, berries and herbs can be entered and accessed by every user on an interactive map on the Internet.

Address: more than 1.000 fruit- and nuttrees throughout Vienna.

E-Mail: info@mundraub.org

Website: www.mundraub.org, www.facebook.com/groups/mundraubaustria