In Vienna, there are many possibilities for people without private gardens, and renting a 20 – 80 m2 Gemüsepachtparzelle (vegetable plots for rent) from an agricultural business is one of them. Tenants are chosen each gardening season, and are supported with expert advice, assistance, and equipment, depending on the location and provider. Every plot is farmed organically.
For those who are more interested in building communal relationships than growing their own vegetables, there are opportunities to participate in a range of community gardens, to work together with people of different backgrounds and generations to create green spaces. In part, these projects are carried out by the Gebietsbetreuung Stadterneuerung (Urban Renewal Office), Agenda 21, Gartenpolylog, and other organizations.
Those who want to contribute to improving the living environment can do so by sponsoring small green spaces (up to 50 m2) with the “Gardening Around the Corner” (Garteln ums Eck) program. In addition, there are creative garden initiatives in public places, which use vertical surfaces or home-made planters for gardening, as well as initiatives just for children.
Even without the coordination of the Urban Renewal Office, people still find ways to grow and harvest fresh produce in Vienna. Examples include “Fruit in Public Spaces”, in which public areas are cultivated and harvested independently.
If you want to focus more on professional vegetable cultivation and self-sufficiency in a self-organized group, you have the opportunity to join one of the CMA (Community Made Agriculture) initiatives. With the Wwoof organization you can work on farms in exchange for room and board. This option is also available in Vienna.
- all 3 dimensions get used at a vegetable plot for rent
- temporary garden labor at the Sonnwendviertel © b2c media
- fun with the compost
- Potato harvest at a workshop at the Bio Forschung Austria
- Gardening around the corner © MA 25
- example for creativity in context af pant beds © b2c media
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